Monitor encrypted TLS SIP traffic with Asterisk, module res_hep and sngrep

Linux VoIP

If your SIP traffic is TLS enrypted, it becomes impossible to monitor it with nice visual tools like sngrep. sngrep can’t read the traffic because it normaly only has access to the unencrypted SIP traffic on the PXB.

The Asterisk module res_hep solves this problem. It plays the old man in the middle game to divert a copy of the unencrypted traffic to a HEP-server, so it can be seen in the clear before being encrypted for going over the line.

Asterisk -> HEP module (sends copy of traffic to HEP server) -> SIP encapsulated in TLS Crypto -> Other peer / registrar

Setup is easy:

# Configure the Asterisk hep-module
enabled = yes                      
capture_address =    # use the ip of your PBX here
capture_password = mypassword                                
capture_id = 1234                  
capture_name = asterisk          
uuid_type = call-id                
# Configure sngrep as a HEP-Server
# /root/.sngreprc
set eep.listen on
set eep.listen.address
set eep.listen.port 12345
set eep.listen.pass mypassword
set eep.listen.uuid on

Now run sngrep and you should see your encrypted SIP-traffic:

sngrep -d lo

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